2017 Native Plant Society Field Trips and other events
June 17. Trap Hills.
Five-mile hike through the Trap Hills on the North Country Trail. We’ll visit several scenic rock bluffs overlooking the West Branch Ontonagon River. Trip leader Ian Shackleford, Ottawa National Forest. Meet at 10 AM eastern time at the North Country Trail trailhead on Forest Road 630.
June 10. Upper Manitowish River and Johnson Creek.
Canoe & kayak trip near Boulder Junction, WI. Meet at 9 AM CT on Nixon Lake Road where it crosses Nixon Creek. The Upper Manitowish River/Johnson Creek is an expansive wetland complex that drains the 3,376 acre Johnson Creek Macrosite that contains an unusual concentration of softwater springs, spring-fed headwater streams, and associated wetland communities. The Johnson Creek Macrosite is one of four important macrosites on the Northern Highlands-American Legion State Forest, as identified by the Wisconsin Bureau of Endangered Resources. This outing will involve a round trip of perhaps 6+ miles of paddling as a group, although there is the potential of covering much more than that. The total distance is up to the group and conditions. Paddling will be on quiet, relatively shallow water with little discernible current, but some paddling experience is recommended. Bring your own canoe or kayak. Alternate storm/wind date is Sunday, June 11.
Full trip information here.
CANCELED: June 3. Hemlock Lake Old Growth and Vernal Pond.
Saturday June 3rd from 9 AM until noon. Northern Highland American Legion State Forest – near Woodruff. Ecologists will lead you on a journey into managed old growth forests…, vernal ponds, early successional forests. We will botanize and bird and view the intricate web of life this place has to offer. Rolling terrain and some road system hiking – intermediate level. Bring bug repellent, rain gear, water and lunch for afterward. Please meet at the Hemlock Lake (walk in) boat landing off Woodruff Rd. RSVP colleen.matula@wi.gov.
Keep checking back. Other trips are in development!
Other events of interest:
May 6: Creating Gardens for Pollinators and Butterflies. Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park, Porcupine Mountains Folk School. Registration deadline May 2.
June 1: Monarchs and Milkweed. Ottawa National Forest Visitor Center presentation by Sue Trull. 7 PM CT.
June 22: Impact of Deer Browsing on Shrubs and Wildflowers. Ottawa National Forest Visitor Center presentation by Dr. Walter Carson. 7 PM CT.
July 22: Dyeing Yarn Using Natural Dyes. Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park, Porcupine Mountains Folk School. Registration deadline July 15.
July 23: Exploring Lichens and Linen Stitch Knitting. Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park, Porcupine Mountains Folk School. Registration deadline July 15.
July 27: Edible Plants. Ottawa National Forest Visitor Center presentation by Ian Shackleford. 7 PM CT.
September 30: National Public Lands Day. Watch for volunteer events on your local public lands.
Ottawa National Forest Visitor Center 2017 Summer Program Schedule
Gratiot Lake Conservancy 2017 Calendar
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